St Augustine’s CE Academy offer flexible nursery places for children aged 3 and 4. Funding commences in the term after the child’s third birthday.
Our main aim in Nursery is to ensure that the children enjoy their experience and get accustomed to the school routine. Almost all of their learning is through play in our dedicated Early Years area and outside. The nursery children share a classroom with the Reception children, and take part in worship, PE, lunchtime, snack time, singing and many other activities with the whole school. They flourish in this environment and thoroughly enjoy being like the older children! They also wear the school uniform and PE kit which we feel gives them a real sense of belonging. They are able to take part in the after clubs during the week if they would like.

We have a fabulous newly refurbished Early Years area, along with an outdoor area specifically for the nursery and Reception children with a mud kitchen, water and sand area. We promote outdoor play wherever possible and encourage the children to bring waterproofs and wellies to aid this over the winter months!
We have a quiet area in the classroom with Ted, our ginormous teddy bear, who is freely available if the children need some relaxation or quiet time. Our Christian Values of Friendship, Love and Hope are heavily weaved through all we do in our Nursery and Early Years stages. We encourage the children to treat each other with kindness and respect and show love and friendship to others at all times. This is evident in all we do and the children flourish with these values at the forefront of every challenge they may face throughout the day.
Our three core value bears, Love, Hope and Friendship.
Starting in Nursery and becoming used to the routine, even for a few days a week, we have found to be beneficial for a lot of the children starting in the past few years. We don’t have a staggered intake or start with shorter days for the new Reception and we have found with the flexible wrap around care, and 30 hours which we now provide it has made for a very happy, easy transition into school life for the little ones.
Nursery Education Funding hours are available (15 hours) as well as 30 hour term time places. Additional sessions outside funding will be charged at £6 per hour or £2.00 per twenty minutes and should be booked by contacting Mrs Robey in the school office. Sessions will be booked through Parent Pay.

To check your eligibility for 30 hours please click here.
Nursery children may stay for lunch between midday and 1pm which is offered at £5 for the hour plus £2.33 for a school lunch. Nursery children should wear school uniform.
Please click here to download our Nursery Application Form and Nursery Booking Form.

One of our Nursery pupils enjoying our circus experience day!

Some of our Nursery enjoying our relaxation session as part of our mindfulness and relaxation day.