Every half term, a child from each of our classes is awarded a maths certificate, sticker and prize for being the most marvellous mathematician over this time. Children are chosen based on a range of reasons, whether this is improving in knowledge and skills, using maths outside of maths lessons, practising maths at home, using resources to help them with their learning, or pure enthusiasm and love of the subject. The list goes on!
Every year, the children in year 2 and above participate in the TT Rockstars online competitions multiple times. These involve competing against other schools within our trust, in the country and even worldwide! We also get involved with additional TT Rockstars events, such as NSPCC Rocks. Certificates are given during our Gold Book worships to those who finish in the top 3 places. The children in Key Stage 2 also compete in weekly competitions, where they are split into two teams with a mixture of year 2 and year 3 children. The winning team gets a special shout out during worship.
NSPCC Number Day also involves an award for the best dressed. Children each vote for a child in their class who they think is dressed the best! The votes are counted and then winners are announced in our Gold Book worship. There are certificates, stickers and prizes for each child. It’s always such a difficult decision as the children put so much effort into their costumes. They range from a calculator, clock and domino, to their very own TT Rockstar character.