Mother’s Day Tea Party

Class 1 painted pictures of their Mothers and held them up in the Mother’s Day Tea Party.

Class 2 read a Mother’s Day poem.

Class 3 created gratitude postcards to show their Mothers what they are thankful for.


We all sang lots of songs for our wonderful mothers.

Year 4 Residential at Whitemoor Lakes


Careers Talk

Please see the link below for some exciting careers talks which took place this week!

The children loved learning about the exciting jobs which some people do! Thank you so much to the parents who gave up their time and put so much effort into their presentations! We are so grateful to you all.

Careers Talks

Harvest Festival 2022

We are so very grateful for your support this morning. We have so many wonderful harvest gifts to drop off at The Soup Kitchen in Burton upon Trent. Thank you so much.

We had a wonderful Harvest Festival in the school hall this morning. The children performed beautifully and read their poems and prayers with such confidence- you wouldn’t believe we were only 5 weeks in to a new term! We were very proud of them and I’m sure you were too!

It was also wonderful to have Jordan and John in for the harvest festival. After COVID quashing our plans over the past few years it was wonderful to have our visitors, parents and students back together for a worship.

Updated Race for Life Total

We are proud to announce we have raised a whopping £1,067.75 for Cancer Research UK!! We are so proud and thankful to you all. Well done!

Ahead of our Jubilee Day tomorrow we are delighted to inform you that Jesse has won our Jubilee traybake competition! Well done Jesse!

Miss Jayne has made our cake and we think it looks amazing! We can’t wait to try some tomorrow!


We had a fabulous sports day on the 27th May! Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support the children! We were so proud of every child and the team spirit, friendship and love they showed throughout the day!

To enjoy the video of Sports Day please click on the image.

Class 3 were part of the SUAT Podcast this term, please have a listen! We are so proud of our children and to be a part of Staffordshire University Academies Trust.

Science Week 2022

This week has been science week at St Augustine’s. The theme was growth, take a look here to see all of the exciting things we have been up to!

Guide Dogs Visit

After learning about Louis Braille and how he changed the lives of millions of people, Class 2 were offered the opportunity to meet a guide dog. Due to this being such an important and exciting occasion, we turned it into a whole-school learning experience. We had a visit from Barry and his guide dog Woody. We learnt how a guide dog is trained, how they are essential in everyday life, the gadgets that are used alongside a guide dog and so much more. We also used this chance to show our appreciation and support of such a great cause and managed to raise and absolutely incredible amount of £150!


Our ‘Family Reading Morning’ was a huge success and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the time to just sit enjoy the wonder of books! We have really missed inviting our parents and relatives into school in recent times, to share our classrooms and learning with them, so it was fantastic to see so many loved ones at school this morning – thank you to everyone! Reading is so important to all learning, both during and beyond our school years and this morning was a way of showing the children that reading can be a really special time to spend with loved ones too. We have another reading morning coming up before Easter, so be on the lookout for the date – to be confirmed! Thank you all again for making the morning so special.


Pupil Led Worship: Adam and Eve – The First People (Genesis)


Some of the children in Class 3 led worship this week and focussed on the story of the first people – Adam and Eve – and their fall from God. The children retold the story using the Bible and acted it out for their peers, so everyone could really see and imagine the events. The children did an amazing job of including the younger members of our school in story so they all understood what was happening. They wanted to show everyone what happened when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s order not to eat the forbidden fruit. They fell from God and were never as close to him again. We need help to be close to Him, which is what the Bible is for and why Jesus was sent to earth – to save us. The children then explained that humans have free will – we can choose to make good choices or bad ones. It is up to us to make the good ones.


We were so proud of the children for putting together their own worship for the whole school, working together so well and telling us all the important lessons from this part of the Bible.

We had so much fun decorating our tree last Friday!! Christmas has arrived at St Augustine’s!!

Poet from the Peaks: 

Today, we welcomed Andy Tooze, the Poet from the Peaks, to St. Augustine’s and what a fabulous day we had! Andy worked with the whole school and with individual classes to perform some of his own poems and to support the children in writing their own. We had an amazing day full of laughter and joy, surrounded by language, words and rhythm. Andy was a true inspiration to us all and the teachers were blown away by how enthusiastic and eager the children were to write and share their own work! He brought out the very best in all of the children and they were all enchanted from the beginning to the very end. We won’t be surprised to see a few notebooks appearing in pockets after today! Thank you, Andy, from us all here at St. Augustine’s for such a fantastic day. We know the children will continue to channel the inspiration you have fostered in them to their future writing, both in and out of school.



Kenning Poems:

This week, the children in Class 3 have been learning all about kennings and how they are structured differently to other poems. We explored a few examples together, including ‘What Am I?’ by Pie Corbett. We explored different ideas of riddles and two-word lines using noun-nouns or noun-verbs and used our rainforest work to inspire us!


Listen to our own rainforest kennings here:



Black History Month

As part of black history month our pupils enjoyed a collective worship about Rosa Parks. A part of this can be shown below.


Rosa Parks features on our timeline in the hall as part of our ‘Why do we remember people’ topic.

Harvest Celebration 2021

Certificate winners 17th September

Certificate winners 10th september 2021

Oscars 2021


English Award

Reading Award

Mathematics Award

Science Award

History & Geography Award

Art & Drama Award

PE Award

Mindfulness Award

Ambassador Award

Britishness Award

Christian Values Award

Songs & Outtakes

Year 4 Leavers Service

Year 4 Residential at Whitemoor Lakes

Mothers Day Poems KS1

Mothers Day Class 3

What a busy week back! It has been so wonderful to see all of the children back in Class 3, learning and playing together, just as it should be! We have been so busy reading and going over a few things with Miss Cashmore, ready for next week, but we didn’t forget it is Mother’s Day on Sunday! Usually, we’d hold an amazing service in church or school and share the special time with all of the fantastic women in our lives together, but unfortunately this year we can’t. Instead, we got creative and made some beautiful hand-made cards, painted and written by each of us in Class 3 to give to our lovely mums at the weekend. We each wrote a personal message inside our cards, as to why we love our mums so much and why they are so special and important to us! Here we all are looking very proud of our creations…

We all came dressed up today in something that represents maths – that could be number, shape, space, measure, statistics and so on! The children all looked fantastic and came ready to share why they had chosen the clothes that they had. In Class 3, we had a jumper full of hexagons, a number on a football shirt, parallel lines and even a handmade necklace to represent a repeating pattern! It was so lovely to see the children who are currently at home too – they too had found something mathematical to wear and it was amazing to see and chat to them this morning on Teams!

For our extra maths activities, Miss Cashmore sent home a pack of puzzles, including: a Sudoku number puzzle, a shape Sudoku and an Emoji crack the code quiz! At school, we went outside and gathered objects from around the school grounds. We then categorised them, ready to collate the data. We represented how many of each item we had in our categories and presented it on a giant bar chart on the playground and used metre sticks instead of our usual rulers to draw accurate bars! We had an amazing time!

World Book Day 2021

This year due to some children being at home for World Book Day, our teachers have recorded some videos to share of their favourite stories! We start off with Miss Cashmore, Miss Machin and Miss Jane. We hope you enjoy them.

Science Week 2021

Class 3’s Lovely Calendar

Class 3 pinned it up in the classroom (on our core values and prayer board), and explained to the children that during their daily prayer or quiet time, if they want to, they can take a look at the calendar and see which country name has been given for today. There is one country for each day of the month. Each country is a place where Feed the Hungry has provided aid. We spoke about the work we did with them before the pandemic and why it is such an important and worthwhile cause.

The children often take a look at which country could be in our thoughts today. There are often surprised that some richer countries, such as the UK, are also helped by Feed the Hungry!

Class 3’s Remote Music Lesson

Remote Worship with Jordan

Our Nativity 2020!!

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.