We have been so busy this term in Class 3! Our history unit of work focussed on ‘The Tudors’ and children really loved it – so much so, they’re all sad that we have to leave it behind after Easter. In normal times, we would have taken a trip to Tutbury Castle and focussed on Tudors in the local area. However, this wasn’t possible due to the current pandemic, so we had a great time in the classroom instead! We explored the lives of poor and rich Tudor children and compared them to our lives now. We researched all about Tudor treatments for diseases and ‘cures’ – a lot of the time, the doctors did more harm than good! We also loved finding out all about Tudor crimes and punishments, including a visit to the pillory for not wearing a hat on Sundays!
In Science, we have been learning all about light and dark and we carried out lots of investigations all about this. We used torches to find out what shadows are: we explored how light travels in straight lines and a shadow is when an object blocks this path of light and casts an area of ‘darkness’. We also got outside and made shadow sticks. By measuring the shadow lengths at different times of the day, we found out that the closer the source of light (the sun) to shorter the shadow (at 12 noon) and the further away the light source (in the morning and the afternoon) the longer the shadow! All this alongside RE, where we have learnt all about the Holy Week in preparation for Easter and Relax Kids, where Claire has taught us all strategies to support our mental wellbeing. Phew! What a half term!