Summer was the busiest term of the year for us. We had the school play, SATs, phonics screening check and the Oscars! In literacy, we read the book ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ which linked to our topic of Kenya. We wrote riddles, researched new vocabulary, wrote postcards to Lila and created a Kenyan fact file. We also completed work on the book ‘Wild’, where we used our inferencing skills to predict, wrote character descriptions and compared characters in different settings.
In maths, year 1 children learnt about place value within 100, how to multiply and divide as well as understanding fractions. Year 2 children learnt about fractions, length and height, time and consolidated all of learning for SATs.
We looked at habitats from around the world in science. We looked at habitats such as the: ocean, arctic, rainforest and the desert. We created collages of a chosen habitat using a variety of materials with a partner. This unit involved learning how environments suit certain animals, dangers of habitats to others and looking at the difference between something being dead, alive or never having been alive. In geography, we looked at the similarities and differences between Kenya and England by comparing Bumala’B, a small village in Kenya, to Draycott. We looked at the similarities and differences of daily life, houses, transport and weather. We also learnt about the Fauld explosion as a local area study and lots of the children visited the site!
Landscapes and cityscapes were our focus in art. We used a Kenyan landscape as inspiration, learning how to create animal silhouettes and blending colours together for the sunset. We compared this to a Kenyan cityscape where we created skylines and looked at the detail of an inner city.
We made sensational fruit salads in DT where we designed, made and evaluated our own salads after selecting our own ingredients, learning how to cut them and what we may improve for next time.
RE was all about who made the world. We learnt about the Creation story, caring for God’s world, thanking Him and what the Holy Trinity is.
In PSHE we looked at who helps to keep us safe by understanding what to do when faced in a situation with strangers. We also learnt how to look after each other and our world by discussing kind behaviour, how to care for people and animals and how to care for our local and global environment.