FOSAA are a small and friendly group of parents and teaching staff that organise a number of social and fundraising events throughout the year in order to raise money for our school. The money raised is then used for all those extras that help to enhance the children’s lives at school.

Every parent/carer that has a child at St Augustine’s is a member of FOSAA

FOSAA do a fabulous job raising money for the school throughout the year. So far they have bought bookcases for the library, a laptop cabby, chairs and tables for Early Years, books, trips to the theatre, and trips to the Adventure Farm. These are only a few of the wonderful things they have provided us with.

FOSAA only have four or five active members who seem to be organising every event and they are always on the lookout for new members. If you feel you would like to join FOSAA please get in touch with either Dee Lichfield, Gemma Yeomans or Miss Robey in the office.

So far during this half term FOSAA have organised a photography competition, our Christmas cards and a pumpkin carving competition.

We have many more to look forward to this year including:

  • Christmas Fair
  • Spooky Disco
  • Christmas Bingo
  • Easter Chocolate Bingo
  • Summer Fair
  • Valentines Disco
  • Summer Duck Race
  • Freeze Pop Friday
  • Silent Auctions

We are incredibly grateful for all of the wonderful things they organise for the children. They also organise our gardening days and keep the school tidy over the summer!

Events to look forward to!!


Who’s who

What can I do to help FOSAA?

FOSAA always need help with organising events. They always appreciate cake baking for cake sales and crafts making for the fairs.

Any donations of unwanted Christmas presents or gifts for the tombola are always very gratefully received.

At the School Play, Christmas Fair & Summer Fair they always need volunteers to help on the refreshment stall, tombola and craft stands.

Join FOSAA at the annual AGM, any new ideas and thoughts are always welcomed. This year the AGM and meetings have been held in the school hall to allow for social distancing.

What’s Coming Up/ FOSAA Notices….

Our amazing Easter Egg winners! They were all amazing well done everyone!

Photography Competition Winners

Class 1 Taylor

Class 2 Winner Myla

Class 3 winner Abigail

Well done to everyone who entered we had some lovely entries!

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.