Dear Parents and Carers,
I have looked back at some of my past letters and they always seem to start with me saying how crazy quickly the term/half term has gone and it’s happened again!!!!! Whooooosh!!!! Blink and you missed it! So much fabulous work has happened in such a short space of time. Please do take some time to look at the academy websites to see evidence of some of this amazing stuff!
We continue to keep abreast of the latest guidance regarding Covid-19 and have all the correct policies and procedures in place. I look back with pride at how our three schools have coped so brilliantly well throughout this pandemic. At the start, none of us knew what we were doing but we got on board immediately with all the recommendations and I am so proud of the staff, the children and all of you for how we pulled together to keep education going. We continued to deliver our full curriculum throughout and were straight back to operating ‘business as usual’ when schools reopened to all. The teachers, teaching assistants, office managers, lunchtime supervisors, before and after school club staff, LAC members and our volunteers have all been an integral part of this Covid journey and I want to publically thank them all for their commitment to our children and our schools through some incredibly challenging times.
Many thanks to you all for adhering to the guidance, it has meant that our schools have stayed open and outbreaks have been very few. We hope that very soon normality will prevail.
The remainder of the Spring and the Summer terms look incredibly rosy with exciting plans for Science Week, World Book Day, Wow weeks, 50 things weeks, Careers talks… the list goes on… Fab times ahead at The Saints Academies!
I hope you all have a wonderful half term
Best wishes
Rebecca Walker